“Other things may change us, but we start and end with family” Anthony Brandt

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Saturday, 6/11/11

It's been hot and humid all week here in Virginia. I visited yesterday, and we stayed in Mom's room. Maybe today we'll go outside again to the patio, depending on whether last night's rain made a difference in the weather.

Mom's more talkative again, which is a nice change. It's always refreshing after a visit when there are very few words over the course of a lot of time, when Mom's comparatively alert and "chatty" from the moment one comes in. We talked to Merryl, who says Viv found her talkative on the phone at some point during the week as well.

When I first dropped in yesterday, she opened her eyes fairly soon after my arrival, and I asked how she is. Her voice is fairly weak now still, but she answered "appropriately," with the right pleasantries. "I'm wonderful, how are you?" I answered "appropriately," then asked how she's been the last week. She answered with something involving the phrases "my husband" and "my grandfather." I asked whether she's been thinking about them a lot, and she answered with an emphatic "you bet." But after that I couldn't really determine whether she had a strong belief they were still living, or whether she had been thinking through her memories of them both.

I mention this because shortly afterward she became convinced that her father had just passed away, and they had just buried him. She thought it was very important that she go to shul, I think to mark the passing. I told her it was all right, and was able to get across that he'd passed some time ago, but that she might be thinking of an anniversary of that event.

We called Meryl, and they had a nice chat as well. But here in Virginia, we now have a fire alarm in our building, so this will have to be a short entry. More tonight,


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