We took Estelle to the Hanukkah party at Woodbine after all. We arrived at Woodbine around 12:45 and Estelle was already all dressed up and waiting in her chair. She was quite alert and so we decided that we'd at least take her down and check out the party. She talked with Meryl and Viv for a bit on the phone and then it was time to go.
I have to tell you - it was an experience!! One I think we all enjoyed. The nursing home is non-denominational and the party was being held by the people in the Activities Department - none of whom are Jewish. But they had worked so much and tried so hard that it was the sweetest, purest, most good-hearted "party" I've attended in a long time. There were approximately 20 people attending, most of them non-Jewish - all of them up to participating as best they could. (And, because it's a nursing home, some were unable to participate at all and others could only do so in a limited manner, but it didn't stop anyone from being there and enjoying themselves.) They had a Menorah, they had a Christmas tree, they had a Santa on the wall. They were, in other words, ready for anything and everything.
The party began with the Activities Director giving a talk on what Hanukkah meant and how it began. He had totally done his research - but unfortunately, it was detailed research which depended on a working knowledge of Judaism which many attendees did not possess. His pronunciation was also horrendous - but he tried, oh how he tried. At one point Dan and one of Estelle's fellow Jewish residents began helping him out and he pleadingly asked if either one of them would please take over.
Never one to shrink from a challenge, Dan did so. Hence, the picture above. Menorah in hand, Dan gave a beautiful rendition of the Hanukkah story while Estelle smiled and nodded her head and occasionally added a few comments which were, unfortunately, unintelligible, but she seemed to be enjoying herself fully, anyhow.
There was a question and answer period afterwards which Dan handled beautifully - the only thing he could not remember was the name of the type of cookie which is often served at Hanukkah time. (Something with fruit rolled up inside a pastry shell. I could only think of Kolachki's - which is a Polish cookie.) For some reason most of the questions concerned food items - what foods are served, when, how often, etc..
At the end of the question/answer session the director once again took over and read off a list of famous Jewish people - one of the residents insisted he was personally acquainted with Einstein.
There had been a singer scheduled to provide the entertainment but unfortunately his mother died this morning and he was, of course, unable to be present. No worries, the staff found a Pandora radio station which played nothing but Hanukkah music and, with the appropriate music playing in the background, small sandwiches, chicken wings, cookies and Pink Lemonade were served to all who were capable of eating them.
After the food was served the residents were given their choice of games;
Wheel of Fortune, Smarter Than a Fifth Grader, The Price is Right, etc.. At this point we'd been there for almost 2 hours and Estelle was rapidly tiring. She is still hitting her chin repeatedly and the music seemed to aggravate the motion and so we went and got the nurse and the aide to help us get her back to her room.
Once we were back in her room she asked when we were going to the next party and seemed somewhat disappointed when we told her there were no more parties today. She did then agree that it was time to go to bed and told us that her feet hurt, anyhow.
It might not have been a traditional Hanukkah party and I'm sure it was not what Estelle would have been used to - but she once told me she had danced at a Bedouin wedding and, knowing that, and knowing her tolerance for my own ignorance and her patience in explaining traditions to me, I am confident that, in so far as she understood what was going on, she took this in stride and enjoyed it - if for nothing more than the good intentions which spawned it, the wonderful people who put it together and the enthusiasm and spirit with which they presented it.
Happy Hanukkah to all!!!
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