The O'Keefe Finally Gets Hung at the Head of Estelle's Bed and Mini Roses From Meryl

Happy Friday!!
Not much to report today. Estelle was sleeping when I got there around 9:30AM. She'd had her shower and was finishing up with a feeding. I got the nurses to show me the site when they disconnected it and it looked pretty good. Some leakage but apparently they've talked to the doctor about it this morning, described it to him and he says that's acceptable and probably the best we're going to get. Leaving it open to air seems to be helping the healing process tremendously and it looks much less red and raw.
I did not stay long this morning - about an hour or so. It's laundry day here in the Alexandria and I've been suddenly bitten by the Spring Cleaning Bug. (I KNEW I should have gotten that darn vaccine last December!!!) If I wait more than 20 minutes to act on it, the urge will pass and it will be 2012 before I get back around to it. The cats would be happy (they hate upheaval of any sort) but poor Dan will be sadly disappointed so in the interest of marital harmony - spring clean, I will. The cats will just have to shred new papers and destroy a different section of the couch.
Shabbat Shalom and have a happy weekend!!
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