Not much to say today. When I arrived at Woodbine Estelle was getting her morning vitals taken and receiving her AM medications. She was not responding to the nurses or the aides and I thought she was asleep but when they were finished and gone she had her eyes wide open and was staring up at the ceiling. I attempted to get her to talk to me several times but the most I could get was to have her turn her head in my direction and stare at me. She would not respond at all.
I told her about the weather, I told her that Dan was working hard at a special project and was working much overtime and that Marlene and Muriel and Merryl had all called over the weekend to wish her well but I am unsure if she heard or understood me. I will tell her again next time I see her.
After about 20 minutes of simply staring off into space she closed her eyes and seemed to fall into a sound sleep. I stayed another half hour or so but she did not wake up or open her eyes again and I decided that I'd try to make it home before the storms came.
Some days are good and some are not so good. This was a not so good day, I think.
Hopefully the next visit will be better.
I did ask the nurse about her feeding tube and she told me that this one was working much better - very little leakage and the skin around the insertion site continues to improve. I snuck a peek for myself when she left the room and it all looked well to me, too.
Hope everyone is well and enjoying the warmer weather and surviving the storms if they are happening in your area, too.
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